Sunday, September 23, 2012

Barry McGee...

There was a huge Barry McGee mural being painted on the side wall of BAM this weekend...

As it's such a HUGE mural, too big for just Mr McGee, the people from Sky High Murals were painting it, there were about 5 of them all on big cherry pickers...

It was pretty much finished, but I think I pop back in a week or so to take a look at the finished piece... I have a feeling it might be up there for a while though!

I love all the big murals that pop up all over the place, Barry McGee is in the same group of artists as Steve 'ESPO' Powers that were in the documentary Beautiful Losers - I think he's mainly a west coast artists, so it's nice that he's doing some stuff in New York... I wonder if there'll be some other pieces popping up soon.

1 comment:

  1. I've been following Barry McGee's work since the 90's. I would kill to know how he gets those brilliant opaque colors he paints his parallelogram
    pieces with.
