Monday, July 27, 2009

When it Rains...

It bloody POURS!
We got caught out in the rain yesterday afternoon, luckily we ducked into a shoe shop (the shoe shop must have been pleased beacuse Abi bought a pair of very nice Camper shoes) but at it's heaviest the sheets of rain we coming down so heavily you couldn't see the other side of the street! As you can see...

This isn't fog... it's rain... thick sheets of New York rain. It said on the news that a tree was uprooted in Queens by the strong winds - it was almost a hurricane. All the umbrellas over the Hot Dog stands were blowing inside out and the doors of the shop were flying open, it felt like we were in Twister or something. It's feeling incredibly tropical in New York at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like we'd better come prepared for all weathers! Maybe it's easier to just get wet and pretend you're at a theme park?!

    We'll bring sun cream, umbrellas and wellies- only joking!

    It looks incredible. America doesn't do anything by halves. XXX
