Monday, May 27, 2013

Myrtle Village Green...

There are a few empty lots along Myrtle Avenue, I walk passed a couple on the way to the launderette - most of them have a notice on the fences saying that the empty spaces should be turned into community spaces or gardens - but a lot of them just stay vacant.

There's one particular space on Myrtle Avenue though that has been transformed into community garden - it's now the Myrtle Avenue Village Green..

 We've seen the space slowly come together with a few beds and planter bags and stuff, but today it was looking very impressive, with loads of raised beds filling the entire lot.

It's great that the space is being used for something, and by the looks of things they're still looking for volunteers to go and help out at the weekends. It sounds like they have BBQs and film screenings in the evenings there. It's a really lovely way to use the space, which was otherwise just a dumping ground.

It'll be nice to see the garden grow more over the next few months.

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