Sunday, March 28, 2010


It seems I won't be going to Miami as soon as I'd planned because I may have missed placed my passport... in the back of a cab!

I was putting my toothbrush in my bag, making sure I had everything - double checking I had all my computer bits and pieces and my work, I went to go and check my passport was still in my bag - but it wasn't. It wasn't in any of the pockets of the bag, none of the pockets of my jacket, not under the sofa, or the rug, or under the bed, or in Abi's bag, not in the fridge, or in the cupboard, not in the rubbish... no where.

I can only assume it fell out of my bag in the back of the taxi on Friday night... so annoyingly I only realised this 20 minutes before I was supposed to be going to the airport, so tonight I'm staying put in Brooklyn (and secretly incredibly pleased to have had a whole weekend with Abi!).

I've logged a 'Lost Item' report with 311 - if you dial 311 you can get all sorts of information on NYC things, if you dial 411 you can get information on Bus and Subway times and other things, which must be where the phrase 'what's the 411?' comes from.

Hopefully I'll hear something soon - in the meantime, I'm going to be making lots of phone calls to Lost & Found departments tomorrow.

I'll keep you posted.

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