Thursday, March 25, 2010

Event Horizon...

When we were sitting in Madison Square Park, we were looking up at all the different buildings when we spotted quite a few of Mr. Gormley's Event Horizon men. The installation has officially opened now, so all his chaps are in place - from sitting in the park we counted about 8, there's even one on top of the Flat Iron Building! Then as we strolled down 5th Avenue we saw even more men standing on top of the buildings.

Right opposite the Flat Iron Building, on the pavement island, stands one of the metal men fixed to the ground. He's a little bit shorter than me, and doesn't look too cheery... I also spared everyone's blushes and didn't show his bits and pieces, but they're out there for all to see.

We're going to look up the exhibition and try and find all the figures, it looks absolutely fantastic standing in the middle of the park looking up and seeing these figures looming over the city.

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