Friday, January 6, 2012


Every now and then I spot a pasting up around Brooklyn that looks like it's been done by street artist Faile. I first saw his stuff up in Amsterdam a few years ago and have loved it ever since. 

He's got quite a specific style, but I think there are quite a few copy cats around New York, and unfortunately I think a lot of the ones I see in Brooklyn are fakes - but the one I saw today, I know is real, and it's really really big!

It was down on what I call 'the art wall' on Houston Street. Every few months a new artist is given the wall as a blank canvas and each time something new and different is produced. Since I've been here there have been some great ones, my favourites have been Shepard Fairey and the one that was just covered in red graffiti tags last summer. 

This Faile one is great, I had to check when I got back that it was his stuff as I though it looked very familiar. I realised, after googling it, that I'd missed out on seeing one of his Totem poles that he's starting making - he carves images and lettering into telegraph poles and paints them in bright colours. They look great in the pictures I've seen, so I might try and pop back and find it if it's nearby.

All in all it's been a pretty good day for New York art. I love days like today when you can just walk around, not spend a penny, and see so much.

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