It's been another blummin' busy week - so I'm sorry for being a bit quiet on the blog. We're getting closer and closer to the big office move, so there's lots of things that need organising, sorting and buying - so I've been helping with that.
I feel like I've spent half my week at IKEA really - on Tuesday I had to trek to the IKEA in New Jersey to get all the office desks, legs other bits - unfortunately the Brooklyn IKEA didn't have what we needed, otherwise the whole trip would have been faaaaaaaaaaaaar shorter.
The IKEA in New Jersey is only 10 miles away, but as I've learnt in the passed, something that's 10 miles away from Manhattan, may as well be 100 miles away if you're travelling by public transport.

I was going to hire a car, but I didn't really fancy tackling Manhattan rush-hour after a day at IKEA, so I ended up getting the subway to Penn Station where I tranferred to a rather nice double decker train!

It wasn't the prettiest scenery on the journey, but it was lovely and sunny...

Once I arrived at the terminal I got a taxi to IKEA - a 5 minute car ride that cost $25! Ridiculous.
It was about 3pm by the time I arrived, and IKEA was eerily quiet, which helped get round quickly, so luckily I wasn't there for long. Pushing the trolley was the hardest thing though, 12 desk tops, 42 desk legs and 12 lots of cable trays!

After I arranged for the home delivery I headed back to Brooklyn...

So it was back in a cab, back on the monorail, back on the train, back on the subway, back to a cup of tea. It was a bit of a mission, and unfortuntely I wasn't able to get all the desk legs I needed (I needed 48) so I'd have to go to the Brooklyn IKEA the next morning!
We know that journey!!! We felt very adventurous and loved the trains too. This time we're arriving at JFK so it'll be a yellow taxi. Wooppede doo!