Saturday, August 27, 2011

Come on Irene...

It's been a bit of a nerve-racking 24 hours, watching the news, hearing Mayor Bloomberg give a LOT of speeches, ordering the evacutation of certain areas of the city, telling everyone to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

We've got ourselves as ready as we can. We've cooked some food incase the power goes out and we can't use the oven, we've stocked the fridge with water, we've got cans of tuna in the cupboard and we're going to fill the bath with water this evening (that's something they've told us to do incase the water gets shut off). We've got candles, crisps and playing cards ready incase the power goes out too.

The whole subway system has been completely shut down for the first time in history, none of the buses are running, the ferries have all stopped. It feels a bit like we're watching a disaster movie on the telly whenever the news is on, BUT there's a lot of positive thinking happening too. There's a lot of 'We're New Yorkers, we've been through worse, and we'll get through this' and the people in the shops are all saying 'stay safe' and 'take care in the storm'. So there's a definite sense of community coming out of all of this.

There are some folks who seem to be ignoring the warnings though, especially down at the Rockaways - there have been some 10-12 foot waves down there and some people have out surfing rather than evacuating... Hopefully they'll have seen sense soon and get somewhere safe.

There have been some pretty spooky shots on the news of desserted streets of Manhattan, empty pavements and roads with just police cars driving down them. Times Square looks like a ghost town, with just the occasional taxi driving down. I have no doubt there'll be some impressive images coming through on the news over the next 24 hours...

I was thinking about the crazy weather New York's had over the passed year. In the last 12 months there's been a tornado, a monsterous blizzard, a record breaking heatwave and now there's a hurricane on it's way! I wonder what could be next... even within the passed week we've had an earthquake and a hurricane!

Hopefully it'll won't be as bad as their saying it could be, and I'm sure our neighbourhood won't be as badly effected as other parts of Brooklyn, like Coney Island, or parts of Manhattan... I suppose we'll just have to wait and see how it all goes.

Soooooooooooooo, just to let you all know that things over here are fine, they might get a little bit Winnie The Pooh and a Blustery Day tomorrow morning, but the storm should have passed by this time tomorrow and then the forecast is for beautiful sunshine again!

We're going to watch The Day After Tomorrow now, to get some 'end of the world' tips!

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