Saturday, June 16, 2012

Spin, Spin, Spin...

On Wednesday night Abi and I were invited along to a special Spin Magazine and 1800 Tequila event down in SoHo...
The event was to launch the latest bottles in 1800's Essential Artist's collection - with artists like I Love Dust, Nathan Fox and Tara McPherson (who's work was at the Cotton Candy Machine shop in Brookly where we went with Simon). We know Aaron, I Love Dust's rep, through work so he invited us along for the night.

When we arrived there was a huge queue outside the building, one long queue and one short VIP/Artists queue. So we joined the long queue as we'd been told we didn't need to RSVP or anything. But after 20 minutes when we got to the front of the queue they had a guest list, and we weren't on it! So we weren't allowed in.

We went over to the shorter queue, which now wasn't a queue, it was just a bouncer and a lady with a clipboard and tried to get in that way instead. We said we were here with Aaron and I Love Dust and we got let in... we even got to take the lift to the 3rd floor rather than walk up the stairs, like everyone in the long queue did.

The lift was one of those old industrial lifts, with a concertina door and a lever to go up or down. The lift went up to the third floor and the doors opened to a packed room...

We were quickly ushered away from the VIP area and sheep dogged into the busy bit in the middle - where we instantly spotted someone from the Brooklyn Brothers (our neighbours at work), so we went over to say hello and they were with Mark from I Love Dust - so it was great to meet him and say hello.

Then we went over to look at the art and the fancy bottles...

This was Tara McPherson's piece.

Each artist had done a big canvas piece that had then been used on the tequila bottles, which were on display in glass boxes behind velvet ropes...
 This was I Love Dust's piece.

We looked at all the pieces, stole some of the beer mats, had a couple of free cocktails (they were delicious, whatever it was just taste like pineapple juice!) and made our way down the stairs...

It was a fun little night, and great to see work from those artists - I'm guessing they were all there but I wouldn't really know what any of them looked like, but it was great to meet Mark from I Love Dust as I really love their stuff. Hopefully there'll be a few more events like this that we can go to this year where can meet some new people and get more freebies!

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