Thursday, October 31, 2013

The San Francisco Pirate Store...

Amongst all the independent shops in the Mission District, there was on very special shop selling some very unique items. It was the San Francisco Pirate Store...

It's run by the same charity who created the Brooklyn Superhero Store, theWashington Museum of Unnatural History and the Hoxton Monster Supply Shop. It worked in the same way as the other shops, there was the shop in the front selling all sorts of amazing things (with all the money going to support the charity) and then in the back was a classroom area where local children go for the writing workshops etc.

The whole shop was set up just like a pirate ship or a shop you'd find in the middle of Pirates of the Caribbean, everywhere you looked there was something funny, some clever item for sale or some brilliant bit of copy on the walls...

It was all so clever and such a brilliant way of raising money for a charity. Every one of the 826 shops are as amazing as the next and all for such a great cause. I wonder what kind of store they'll open next?!

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