Xavier Rudd's from Australia and plays a lot of slide guitar and plays the dijerido, often at the same time! I've liked his music for 4-5 years and have been dying to see him play live, so I was so pleased to get a ticket to see him, and the Fillmore is a small intimate place too.
The atmosphere was absolutely amazing, lots of people who looked quite 'travelly' so they'd obviously discovered his music while travelling too, lots of Australians in the crowd too. It was a very relaxed gig - mainly because half the people in the audience were high, there was a veeeeeery strong smell of herbal cigarettes (you'd have loved it Pops!).

At one point during the gig Xavier was sitting at a mini drum kit with a dijerido, playing them both at the same time - it was fantastic, then the bass player joined in and then the big drum kit kicked in and it was like a big old party!
I took a few videos, but the sound didn't come out very well and I seem to be having trouble uploading them for some reason - so I'll leave it for now. The amazing atmosphere didn't really translate that well through a tiny little video anyway.
Let Me Be was the last song he played, it's his best known song and it had everyone dancing and singing along - it was a fantastic gig and well worth the wait... I just hope I don't have to wait another 4 years to see him again!
Hope you didn't breath in too deeply - it can rot your brain you know - look what's happened to Pops!!