On Wednesday evening Jim and I went to find a bar that his brother had told him about called Barcade. As the name sort of suggests, it's a bar and an arcade...

Barcade's just by the Lorimer G Train stop, so it's easy to get to from work and from our apartment, Abi and I had actually been passed it before but hadn't realised what it was. Had we known, I'm sure we would have gone in.
The entrance is a little set back off the pavement, there's a small porchy/courtyardy bit first, which has a big wall with a mosaic on it. But instead of little tiles, the mosaic's made up out lots and lots of really old beer bottle tops...

They had some great old Brooklyn Brewery ones.

Inside there were loads of classic arcade machines, things like Frogger, Joust, Paperboy, Tetris and Ms PacMan...

They even had a High-Scores board hanging up, so people could see who the champions are - maybe my name'll be up there one day, but after playing Frogger, I know for sure I'll never get the high score on that - it was really hard!

Before we played we had a few drinks at the bar, which also looked pretty cool with all the money stuck up on the wall and with stickers stuck everywhere...

... and the loos were covered top to bottom with graffitti...

It felt like a bit of 'deliberate dive' bar - but the people in there weren't rought bikers or ne'er-do-wells, it was full of arty types and arcade game fans.
It was a great little place, and really easy to get to, it's also veeeery conveniently located near the Kelloggs Diner, which Jim and I went to after a bit of gaming for a burger...
Mmmmmm Mmmmm!
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