On a BEAUTIFULLY sunny but blummin' chilly Sunday morning Tom and I got the G Train to Queens to look at the 5 Pointz Building...

It was great to go back and see the new graffiti all over the building, it's a constantly changing art installation with people constantly adding their creations to any square inch of the building that they can...

I was happily taking photos and I turn my back for one second and this happened...

Thomas David Langridge -
tsk tsk tsk!Defacing a New York lamp-post... whatever next!

Butter wouldn't melt... but Thomas is now a hardened criminal!
We had to scarper pretty soon after Thomas' misbehaving, just in case the police came and caught him in the act...

It'll be great to go back in another couple of months and have a look at what new styles of graffiti are up., and if they've managed to cover even more of the building in paint.
I have a feeling this won't be the last post about 5 Pointz.
Oh Tom !!!