On Wednesday night I met up with Emma from Leeds! She's over in New York for a couple of days on a shoot, she's a photographers assistant now and they were over here to shoot Scarlet Johansson - I offered to help out on the shoot, but apparently my services weren't needed...
The photographer she's working with and all his crew were staying in the Ace Hotel, so I met Emma there. The Ace Hotel is absolutely ACE! It looks amazing. I'd mentioned it a while ago because when Steve was here we all went to go and have drinks there - or at least tried to, but it was super busy... it was super busy this time too.

It was absolutely packed in the lobby and there was some kind of function going on, but I enjoyed mooching around the lobby while I was waiting looking at all the different bits and pieces dotted around. There were some lovely little touches and the whole thing felt veyr New Yorky... I wonder how expensive it is to stay there...?
It was lovely to see Emma again and hear her news, I think it'd been about 3 years since we last met up - it was nice hearing how everyone else we lived with in the 3rd year was doing, it sounds like everyone's off doing exciting things in exciting countries.
I don't think I'd ever have thought I'd be living in New York when I was at Uni, I dreamt about it, but I didn't believe it'd actually happen...
Shows what an arty group you all are. It's great that the novelty hasn't worn off for you and that you're still loving it.Don't know how you all find these places bit there's something for everyone in NYC.