On Wednesday night we went to see Vampire Weekend play at the Radio City Music Hall!

Ever since moving here, and especially since going on the tour or the Music Hall with Mops and Pops I've been dying to see a gig there. It's such an iconic venue and such a grand venue - I was very excited to go there, and who better to see than a native New York (...well, Brooklyn) band - Vampire Weekend.

As soon as you walk into the Music Hall you're greeted with an incredibly grand lobby and then you walk through the silver double art deco doors into the hall itself and it's just incredible. I was sitting there looking around thinking how bizarre it is that this grand building is tucked into the corner of a block in the middle of Manhattan, it's like a
We walked in just as the first support act (the
Dum Dum Girls) were finishing - then Beach House came one. I was just as excited about seeing Beach House as I was seeing Vampire Weekend - they've only had one album out, but it's fantastic and they sounded absolutely
brilliant live...

They played all the best songs off their album and filled the hall with very atmospheric music - the acoustics are fantastic at that venue. Then Vampire Weekend came on to an amazing reception...

Everyone (who had been sitting for the first two bands) instantly got to their feet and started dancing and didn't stop until the band left the stage at the end of the night. It was a fantastic atmosphere and a really friendly crowd.
They played loads of great songs off both their albums and the crowd sang a-long and danced to every single one, it was so much fun! Although everyone had seats, a lot of people got up and went down in the aisles, which was good for us because it meant that the seats
in front of us all emptied out given us more space... but no matter where you are in the hall you get a great view of the stage.

It was a such a great gig and so much fun dancing around to all the songs, here are a couple of snippets of the night...
For this song, the suggested dance move was to put your hands in the air and wiggle your fingers - but from this video it looks a little bit like we were in a church in Arkansas - Praise the Lord!
It was an absolutely brilliant night and it was so special seeing a show at Radio City Hall, I'm counting down the days until the Christmas Extravaganza now!
That all looks great and a good atmosphere from the crowd. The music sounds good too- It'll be quite a contrast to see the Rockettes!!!