Late Saturday afternoon, after I'd recovered from the heat a bit (and changed my tshirt), I went over to McCarren park to have a look round the Renegade Craft Fair. The craft fair happens all over the country every year, they have one in Boston, LA, Seattle - lots of places, and of course Brooklyn.

There were over 300 stalls, all selling lots of wonderfully unique crafty things. There were lots of tshirt stalls, screen printed gig posters, plush toys, jewellery, books, knitted things, bags, all sorts. Lots of the people selling stuff were based in New York, but some had travelled down especially. The man I bought a tshirt from had driven down from Boston for the weekend.

As well as people selling stuff, there were stalls where you could make things - there was some sponge stencilling going on and a letter writing service. It was great.

I recognised some of the stalls from the Brooklyn Flea Market that Abi and I went to the other weekend, and I'd seen some of the posters and tshirts on design blogs recently, so it was great meeting the people who made them and seeing the products in the flesh.

There were some real characters about too, both selling and buying the crafty stuff.

It was a fantastic fair and all the things on sale were really inspiring, I just wanted to go back to the apartment and make stuff (well, I just wanted to go back to the apartment and climb into the fridge to cool down). Hopefully we'll have time to get a bit more craft soon.

Can you get people to write personal letters for you? Does that mean they can type fast or have beautiful hand writing? Whatever next- I could do that in my next career maybe?