Well, due to strange volcano's erupting and ash flying out and making it's way over Europe, Jonny's stranded in New York (I can think of worse places to be stranded). He was due to fly out on Thursday, his flight was then pushed to Friday, then Saturday night and now it's looking like he'll be flying out on Wednesday afternoon (fingers crossed).
So we used his delayed departure as a good excuse to go for brunch in Brooklyn on Saturday... I say brunch, it was pretty late for just standard lunch, it was about 3 o'clock ish when we turned up at Acqua Santa on Driggs Avenue (just opposite the Argentinian Restaurant from the other day).
I'd been wanting to go to Acqua Santa for AGES, Julia had a matchbox from there in the bathroom at my old apartment and I'd walked past it lots of times last summer and thought how lovely it looked in their courtyard bit - I'd really wanted to go with Mops and Pops (so maybe next time you visit we could go?!).
It was just as lovely as I'd hoped it would be, we sat in their 'garden' which was a glass roofed courtyard area, with a trelace roof with grapevines growing all over it. All the chairs we white iron, they all looked different but had all been upholstered in the same aqua green material so they all matched.

This is definitely on the list for the next time we visit. Yummy!