A few weeks ago I mentioned a shop called Myers of Keswick - Will had pointed it out to me when we were going to the White Horse Tavern, but the shop was closed. I went back there today to have a look at what goodies were on sale.

I also got some Penguin biscuits and something else to remind me of home...

Then I went round the corner from Myers to Tea & Sympathy - another Ex-Pat's shop selling very similar bits and pieces. Much to my delight I noticed they're selling Wispa Easter Eggs and Malteasers! So Easter's sorted now.
Next to Tea & Sympathy (as I think I've blogged about before) is the fish and chips shop A Salt & Battery, so I popped in there for some chips... but unfortunately they weren't a patch on the Bakewell chips, I was very disappointed. Still, it's made me look forward to some chunky chips with some fish from the Bakewell chip shop when I'm next back.
It's good to know there's somewhere to go for Cream Eggs and Terry's Chocolate Oranges - incase of emergencies.
Did you know that you can buy silver lids especially to fit marmite jars? Must be the ideal present for someone who has everything!