I ended up walking from 14th Street to about 82nd Street by the park.
The park looks very different now, not as many people, not as many leaves, but just as lovely. I walked up the side of the park, by the road looking at all the fancy houses and buildings that line the park and spotted this striking memorial statue.
It was for all the Second World War Soldiers.
I also saw this loony...
They were dressed all in blank, with their face covered up holding this white umberella with these little stringy bits (I suppose rain..?) dangling off it. Takes all sorts.
I walked back through the park to see how things were looking different now that it's winter time. Down by the boathouse it all looked incredibly different - the water was almost all frozen, it was deadly silent, no boats out on the lake, no people queuing up to have a go on the boats, no-one outside having glasses of wine at the bar... the boathouse did look very cozy and welcoming and they'd decorated nicely, it looked lovely.
I walked under the arches by the fountain, I'd never walked under there before so I hadn't realised the roof of the underpass is all very decorative (my pictures didn't really come out well, so I can't show you it, but take my word for it), it has golden bits, blue patterns, little lamps, it felt like being inside...
As the sun was going down, the views from the park looked beautiful, the buildings were almost silhouetted, and the windows on some of them were all twinkly.
The park looks very different now, not as many people, not as many leaves, but just as lovely. I walked up the side of the park, by the road looking at all the fancy houses and buildings that line the park and spotted this striking memorial statue.

I also saw this loony...

(From Pops) These are lovely, lovely photographs - what a different place the park looks in winter, especially The Boathouse! And what an impressive memorial to their soldiers in the Second World War - very Saving Private Ryanish. You really are seeing the New York of New Yorkers - so much more than just what the tourists get to see. You'll remeber this for ever, Ollie XXXXXX