A very good friend of mine informed me that there is a programme called Sex & The City, and in this programme there is a cake shop called Magnolia Bakery and they do rather nice cupcakes... this very good friend of mine said they would very much like to go to Magnolia Bakery and have a cake or two - so that's what we did...

There was queue outside the shop and round the corner and they had a 1-in-1-out policy! They were doing a roaring trade, and with other Sex & The City fans arriving by the bus load (
literally - they do Sex & The City Tours) we were lucky to get some cakes at all...
It was a perfect way to spend the last afternoon of a perfect holiday - it all just went far too quickly for my liking and now we're left with the holiday blues.
I think you could set up a litle business making cakes that look like these ones - for all the people that don't get in to the right queue for magnolia bakery. Plenty of icing seems to be the key to success!