Our final stop along our roadtrip was at the very tip of Cape Cod - another little place right by the sea, called Provincetown.
The road that leads into Provincetown is right by the beach, with only little beach huts and motels in between the road and the sand - it felt just like Jersey, driving along the quiet roads looking out at the water (keeping my eyes on the road most of the time though!).
We pulled over and parked up outside a deserted motel, and went for a little stroll on the sand...
There wasn't a soul in sight!
The rest of the of the drive into the tow was rather colourful...
Apparently Provincetown is very popular with artists and gay people - and artistic gay people by the looks of this garage!
As you drive further into the town, the roads get narrower and then become one way streets where you have to weave through the pedestrians and cyclists to reach the car park.
The car park was right on the water front, near all the little boats, and had a fantastic view across the bay...
The town felt very seasidey - I don't know what it is, but you can always tell you're right by the sea (not just because you can see the sea!), there's a certain air about the place... I love it.
There were lots of little shops and restaurants around the town, all selling bits and pieces, some selling sweets, some selling tacky souvenirs, some selling art...
Others with legs hanging out the windows!
There were some more of those lovely big, wooden slatted houses too...
We were getting VERY hungry by the time we had reached Provincetown, with little success getting our sandwich in Sandwich, we'd set our hopes on getting some delicious seafood somewhere in town. We had a look around and looked at some menus and decided on this place...

The Lobster Pot. It looked like a tiny little place from the outside, and nothing too special really - but you walked in and then went upstairs and the whole place opened up into a big dining room with amazing views across the bay.
We were very lucky and were giving the best seats in the house, a little table right at the front windows looking out onto the little beach and all the boats - it was perfect.
It seemed like a really popular place too, so we must have picked the right spot - and the menu was FULL of seafood too. Abi had blackened shrimp for starters and then a huge seafood paella, and I had a lobster cocktail thing and then a big fried fish platter... it was all SO delicious and you could tell it was all fresh. It was amazing.
It was lovely to hear locals talking in the restaurant, and then to hear holiday makers talking, there was a great mix of ages too - the couple behind us were celebrating their wedding anniversary, I think it might have been their 50th!
It was a fantastic little find with a wonderful atmosphere, I'm so glad we decided to go in as it was the perfect way to end our little road trip adventure.
A bit later, very full on seafood, we along the little beach to the car park ready to head back to Boston. The sun was just beginning to go down, so all the twinkly lights outside the restaurants and houses were coming on... it looked beautiful.
We got in the car and started driving back along the coast road - carefully looking out for any turtles...
As we drove back we could see the sun setting in the wing-mirrors as we set off on the 150 mile return drive to Boston. It was all so perfect - the whole day was just amazing. We absolutely loved driving around and exploring new places - we were talking about our next road trip on the drive back... I can't wait!