Thursday, May 27, 2010
By the Seaside...
After a lazy day in Brooklyn on Monday, we went to the seaside on Tuesday afternoon. It was blummin' BOILING and beautifully sunny, so we got on the N train from Manhattan (we'd been to the Coffee Shop for breakfast and then to Tea & Sympathy to order some food for a work lunch) all the way down to Coney Island.
Coney Island seems to be having a bit of a face lift at the moment, the boardwalk is getting new boards to walk on and the amusement park has had a lick of paint (including the Wonder Wheel) and it looks like there's going to be a new section of park open for the summer (just in time for Tom's arrival and the Hot Dog eating contest!).
I love Coney Island, with all it's characters and run down rides and shops, all the funny food huts along the water front selling hot dogs, clams, beer, corn on the cob and funnel cake. It's so funny to think that it's less than 30 minutes train ride from our apartment, it feels like a completely different country...
After a couple of hot dogs and a couple of beers on the beach we were a little sleepy and I stupidly fell asleep on the beach, so I am now trying incredibly hard not to scratch my incredibly sunburnt tummy as I'm typing this. Luckily Abi's not as sunburnt (she was more sensible with the suncream than I was), and she's letting me use her cocoa butter stuff to sooth the pain (it's working). I have a feeling we'll be going to the beach A LOT this summer, so next time I'm making sure we wear lots and lots of cream.
Here's a big panoramic view of the beach - it was so lovely to be there when it was so hot and to have so few people around... it felt like a perfect end to a perfect little holiday.

I love Coney Island, with all it's characters and run down rides and shops, all the funny food huts along the water front selling hot dogs, clams, beer, corn on the cob and funnel cake. It's so funny to think that it's less than 30 minutes train ride from our apartment, it feels like a completely different country...

Ollie's Trolley!

Washington D.C. Day Two...
After an all you can eat breakfast buffet in the hotel we rolled out of the doors and headed to the Washington Smithsonian Zoo. It wasn't too far away from the hotel and the best part was, it's free!

Washington Zoo is famous for, and very proud of it's Pandas. A few years ago they had the new arrival of Tai Shan ('Friendly Mountain' in Chinese) a very cute baby Panda. Tai Shan is now a little bigger and a lot sleepier...

There were lots of beautiful animals in the zoo, but for some reason it didn't feel quite right - I think Jersey Zoo has raised the bar so so high now that all other zoos just feel a bit mean. I expect the weather had something to do with it too, zoos are always feel a bit strange when it's cloudy - especially when there are animals that should be roaming around Africa in a small area of the zoo on an overcast day.

We walked all the way to other side of the zoo where there was a little farmyard section. There were some hairy pigs and some cows and some architypal red farmyard buildings. We also saw Abi's long-lost Llama relative...

After the zoo we headed to an area called U Street (or a street called U Street), which Abi had found on her Not For Tourists app on her phone. U Street has a lot of different shops along it, but the reason we went was because there was supposedly a really good cake shop there called Cake Love. Unfortunately it was closed on Sunday, but the Love Cafe was open, so we went there and had ourselves a cupcake...

A little further down the road from the Love Cafe was Ben's Chilli Bowl...

It looks so grand and powerful and remarkably like it belongs in London - I think they stole our style for a lot of the buildings in Washington, although they look quite Greek too, so we probably stole their style... anyway. It felt very imposing and important and it was great to see where Congress is held.
Again, it was eerily quiet around the Capitol Building park, we walked around (very slowly) looking at some of the other buildings which admittedly all looked the same, like this very bright white building...

After mooching around the Capitol Building it was pretty much time for us to go back to the hotel and get our bags before heading to New York again, but there was one final stop we had to make...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Washington D.C. Day One...
On Saturday morning we made our way to the corner of 33rd and 7th, just by Madison Square Garden and got on the Bolt Bus heading to Washington D.C and 4 hours later, we were there!

The Bolt Bus, purely by coincidence dropped everyone off right by our hotel. We'd got a good deal at the Grand Hyatt hotel on H Street not too far away from the White House.

Our first stop in Washington was what we'd heard was the best burger place in town - Five Guys Burgers. We walked from the hotel through town to Five Guys, town felt bizarrely quiet, we weren't sure if it was because something else was going on, or if because we're so used to the busyness of New York - but Washington is quiet. (Five Guys by the way was OK - it wasn't as good as Shake Shack or Stand Burger, but it was pretty tasty. We're definitely living in the right city for burgers).
After lunch we headed to the White House...

One of the things I'd been looking forward to the most in Washington was seeing the big statue of Mister Lincoln. As we walked towards the memorial building we could start to see his knees coming out of the shadows and gradually saw more and more of him. At one point he looked a little small, but as we got closer we realised he was just as grand as I'd hoped...

After we'd sat on the steps for a while and visited the gift shop it started to rain, so we jumped in a cab and went back to the hotel. We'd planned on going for a swim but when we got to the swimming pool we realised that the photo on the website was a little misleading - the pool was tiny and full of little children bombing. So we gave it a miss (I really wanted to do some bombing) and went for a drink instead.
Later in the evening we went out for a meal at a place called Thai Tantic! I have to admit we only really went there because we thought the name was fantastic, but the food was delicious too - the decor and atmosphere was a bit strange in the restaurant though, the tables were like diner tables and there were neon lights behind the bar and Tiki decorations on the walls... it was a very strange mix.
After our super spicy Thai food we were pooped so we headed back to the hotel before another day of exploring...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Girls Just Wanna...
have a walk in the park...

She was just walking through the park with a couple of friends - she didn't look quite like this, but she's still got bright yellow and pink hair! We realised afterwards that it was probably because there was a massive AIDS Walk through the park today and after watching The Celebrity American Apprentice (I'm hooked!) I've realised that Cyndi Lauper does a lot of charity work for gay, lesbian and AIDS charities in New York and America...
Abi's VERY pleased to have finally seen a proper celebrity too!
Park Picnic...
Today we went into Manhattan, we were going to do a bit of shopping after sitting in the park for a bit - we headed up to Shake Shack for a bit of lunch but when we got there we saw something that put us off our food... ZOMBIES!
There were lots of people in various levels of fancy dress, some with eye balls popping out, some with their heads split open, some people were casually sitting on the benches with their throats slit... it was a little disgusting really but it was all in honour of a new film coming out.
From what we could gather, if you turned up dressed as a zombie you received a free ticket to a screening of a new zombie film (I can't remember the name of it though). There were quite a lot of people there of all ages, some had gone to far more effort than others - some of them had obviously had a lot of practice at it (a lot of nights in on their own I think), it was quite impressive. It was a little disturbing seeing little children (and even a dog!) dressed up as zombies though.
(This zombie had clearly been eating her fair share of human flesh!)
The Shake Shack always has a big queue outside, so we were standing surrounded by zombies for quite a while and the longer we stood there, the more zombies turned up and the more queezy we felt so we left the queue and headed up to Central Park instead...

The Shake Shack always has a big queue outside, so we were standing surrounded by zombies for quite a while and the longer we stood there, the more zombies turned up and the more queezy we felt so we left the queue and headed up to Central Park instead...
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Over The Bridge...
Today was the first time we'd walked over the bridge together and the first time I'd walked over it from Brooklyn to Manhattan, for some strange reason it seemed to take less time walking from Brooklyn to Manhattan than Manhattan to Brooklyn...?
Although you can't tell from this photo, the bridge was jam packed with people walking and cycling to and from Brooklyn. With vendors selling ice cold drinks, tshirts and keyrings dotted along the walk way all the way along the bridge.
Quite close to the beginning of the bridge you get fantastic views of the new park their building (although it looks pretty much finished) in Brooklyn Heights, those long benches at the bottom of the photo are where we sat after lunch. I think we'll head back to the park to have a proper look, I hadn't realised how big it was from where we were on the bench - it looks lovely.
As you walk further along you get great views of the river and a very grand looking Lady Liberty.
Once we got to the other side of the bridge we walked over to South Street Seaport and had a drink by the boats - it was such a beautifully sunny evening - we didn't realise the time at all but by the time we'd finished our drinks and done some mooching around some of the shops at the Seaport it was nearly 7pm, I love how light it is in the evenings now. It makes such a huge difference to the day - it feels like we have so much more time to do stuff now that summer's more or less here!
It was blummin' perfic day.

Once we got to the other side of the bridge we walked over to South Street Seaport and had a drink by the boats - it was such a beautifully sunny evening - we didn't realise the time at all but by the time we'd finished our drinks and done some mooching around some of the shops at the Seaport it was nearly 7pm, I love how light it is in the evenings now. It makes such a huge difference to the day - it feels like we have so much more time to do stuff now that summer's more or less here!
It was blummin' perfic day.
By The Bridge...

A VERY Special Lunch Date...
A while ago Abi worked on a Sunday for a big pitch in Leeds - a group of people ended up working an 11 hour day on that Sunday, so to say thanks Elmwood gave them all meal vouchers so they could go out for a fancy meal. So, this afternoon we decided to finally use that money and Abi and went on a veeeeery special lunch date at the River Café!

It's a super fancy place, the dining room bit is on a in on a flotilla so it feels a bit like you're walking onto a boat, looking throught the port-hole windows out onto the river. When you walking into the dining room you're greeted by the most incredible view...

I know I've posted a lot about food recently - but the food was absolutely DELICIOUS! Abi had Scallops served in the shell on a big bed of ice in a silver bowl to start and I had the Octopus salad, then Abi had the duck which was a crispy breast and a confit leg thingy that looked like a scotch egg, but it was duck confit surrounded by mashed potatoe and fried. I had the steak which came with home made chips, mushroom marmalade and a blue cheese fondue (it was more a sauce but fondue sounds fancier)... it was all so tasty!
We were a little full, but we had room to share a pudding - we had a rather special looking little chocolate cake that looked like the Brooklyn Bridge (it had chocolate gurders!), and we got some rather special little chocolates and biscottis with the bill.

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