Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday Strolling...
Yesterday evening I took myself to see Taking Woodstock at the cinema up on 42nd Street by Times Square - I really like going to that cinema now, walking through Times Square is always incredible - it's just heaving with people... constantly.
I had a little of time to kill in between finishing my Jack Daniels Ribs and the film starting, so I went for a little wander around, I walked up past Radio City Hall (which made me think about when Mops and Pops were here and how fantastic that was), then I found myself outside the Ed Sullivan Theatre!

It was great seeing some of the sights and not having to rush to fit it all in.. I have to admit that I was actually strolling around trying to find a Dunkin' Donuts for pudding! Much to my dismay the only one I could find was CLOSED! I think it was a sign that I shouldn't have got any...
I had some candied Cashews on my walk back to Union Square after the film to make up for it!

I had some candied Cashews on my walk back to Union Square after the film to make up for it!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Hair Metal...

Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
14 days...

The people in it are sooooo arrogant and so confrontational (I expect they're cast exactly for those traits) and it can sometimes get a little heated... just look at this little clip!
I think I might watch another 4 episodes tonight, I've got some catching up to do.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Ponyo Ponyo...

It's a really lovely (strange) story about a little goldfish who turns into a little girl after licking a cut on a little boy's finger...? It was very sweet anyway and the Ponyo character was very cute.

I stopped off on my way back to the apartment for a couple of $1 slices of pizza... yum!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
More Bedfordness...

The 'M' was on some gates outside a shop, the shop said it did restoration and stuff but I think it was an old painted shop sign and it might have been a restaurant of bar now... either way, pretty groovy gates.
I bloody love the pickup truck and the choppers - I want them!
Paper Heart...
Last night I went to see Paper Heart at the Angelika Cinema. My very reliable source (Abi) tells me that the Angelika has been in Sexy & The City, which explained why there were a couple of girls looking very pleased with themselves for finding it... It was a great little cinema, it's a bit like the Showroom in Sheffield, it plays more arty films.
Paper Heart is a film/faux documentary about love, and the main characters inability to find or feel it... it was a very sweet film with a clever concept - it was very funny too, it has Seth Rogan and Michael Cera in it so it couldn't fail to be funny really...
I'm not sure when it'll be out in the UK, but it's good - not as good as Juno, not by a long shot but it's got a similar sort of feel... kind of.

Washington Square Park...

Verde Verde Nice...

On Thursday evening Jon, Malvina, Alex and I went out for a meal at Locande Verde which is in the Greenwich Hotel. It's one of Robert De Niro's many many restaurants - apparently he's got 25!! It was rather lovely, the decor was great, lost of rusticy wood mixed with stainless steel, quite industrial chairs and light fittings mixed with delicate glass panels and stuff - tres nice.
It was really busy, which is obviously a good sign, but luckily we got a table (as long as we were out by 9pm). The menu is based on a 'sharing concept' apparently, so all the dishes come at different times and we're all supposed to try a bit of each other... problem is all the portions are bloody small, so we ended up ordering more food.
I had a mighty tasty sea bass with clams (with a blue crab thingy to start), then we each had a lamb meatball slider (mini burger) and then we had pudding... I had cheese and biscuits, which then lead to a very funny conversation with Alex. Alex, in all his 28 years has NEVER heard of having cheese and biscuits for pudding!?!?! We couldn't believe it, he thought you'd have it for a starter...? Oh well. It was incredibly delcious (and a wee bit pricey), so I'd certainly recommend going (you might need to stop off at MacDonalds afterwards though!).
I had a mighty tasty sea bass with clams (with a blue crab thingy to start), then we each had a lamb meatball slider (mini burger) and then we had pudding... I had cheese and biscuits, which then lead to a very funny conversation with Alex. Alex, in all his 28 years has NEVER heard of having cheese and biscuits for pudding!?!?! We couldn't believe it, he thought you'd have it for a starter...? Oh well. It was incredibly delcious (and a wee bit pricey), so I'd certainly recommend going (you might need to stop off at MacDonalds afterwards though!).
Thursday, August 20, 2009
In The Gutter...

There's another bowling alley just down the road which looks far swankier, it has leather sofas instead of those plastic seats where you sit and wait for your go and they've got huge plasma screens hanging up - so I think I'll be going there next!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Little Red Truck...

Bedford Findings...

It was a beautifully sunny day today and bloody BOILING! Everything looked lovely in the sunshine, even all the run-down and abandoned factory buildings looked very photogenic in the sun.

I also found some shops that I'd not noticed before - one was a fantastic, big, cluttered junk shop - it had all sorts of things. Including old battered acoustic guitars for $50, I think I might go in and barter with them and then get it fixed, get the nut and bridge flipped and get it restrung... they looked fantastic, like the little acoustic guitars people had in the 50s. I'm not sure how old they actually were, but I loved the look of them... so watch this space!
It Might Get Loud...

It's more or less a film with The Edge, Jack White and Jimmy Page talking about their relationship with the electric guitar and how they got into playing it - it was really interesting to hear their stories, especially Jimmy Page (He played guitar on the Goldfinger song!). I did think that they could have picked some other prolific guitarists to talk to too - Jack White's not really the most accomplished player in the world...
We went to see it in the 42nd Street AMC cinema, so it was great being in a cinema in Times Square - it was HUGE and had a very grand foyer. They show a lot more films than the one near work, so I think at weekends I'll be going there more.
The film has made me miss my guitar even more... maybe if the exchange rate gets a bit better I might invest in a new one?!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Fish Friday...

It was funny having to explain to an American man what a 'Chip Butty' was - but they were all loving it. So were the people working behind the counter, they were all from the UK and they were having so much fun.
Unfortunately there were some people in there who were you typical Brit Abroad and were just being laddish and talking about football and stuff - but it was quite nice in a strange way... well, not nice - but it made me appreciate certain aspects of home and certain aspects of New York.
It was a mighty fine fish butty and I'll most certainly be going back, probably in the winter as I was ROASTING yesterday... but it was nice to sit on the bench outside.
The chippy is next to a shop that's run by the same people called Tea & Sympathy. Not surprisingly, they sell tea - so I'm going to pop in there and have a look soon (although I noticed on the A Salt & Battery website that they're charging $17 for a box of PG Tips!)... I'm going to see if they'd stock Make Mine A Builders!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
9/11 Memorial...

Snug Harbor...
Unfortunately I didn't really do my research on Snug Harbor, so I'm not entirely sure what it used to be, although it feels a bit like an ex-military place that's now been turned into a collection of gardens, galleries and museums.

There a lots of different gardens, butterfly gardens, botanical gardens, healing gardens, chinese gardens, secret gardens... lots and there's children's museum (which looked great!) and a small art gallery which had some Henry Moore work in, some miniature sculptures and sketch books - so he must have spent some time there.
There were also quite a few weddings going on, I think I saw about 3 different wedding parties in about 15 mintues. One of them looked like a mobster's wedding, they all had really strong New York accents and were a little garishly dressed - everyone looked very happy though.
It was a really peaceful place to be, it was silent - such a massive contrast to Manhattan, it felt like I was hundreds of miles away not just 30 minutes. It was very quiet in terms of people too, there weren't many tourists about, maybe there would have been more had I gone in June or July (I'm pleased that it was quiet though). I think it'd be a great place to go and take a book and a blanket and a little picnic...

Staten Island...

Yesterday I took the free ferry over to Staten Island... it took about 30 minutes to cross over the river, chugging past the Statue of Liberty in our big orange boat.
Once I got to the other side I was a bit surprised at the contrast to Manhattan, there are a fair few shabby looking buildings, some abandoned ones too, but there were also some really lovely buildings that looked like courthouses or town hallish type places.
I walked around for a bit, struggling with the hills (there really aren't any proper hills in Manhattan) - it all felt eerily quiet really, despite it being Saturday afternoon... I wasn't really sure where I was going or what there was to do there. My trusty iPhone showed me that there was some where called Snug Harbor, it was about 1.5 miles away from the ferry port so I walked along to find it...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
River Flicks!
I think it might be every Wednesday and every Friday during the summer there are free filmings on the Hudson River - they show films for adults (not naughty ones!) on Wednesdays and films for children on Fridays. They've shown things like Iron Man, The Dark Knight, Ghostbusters and lots more and I've been wanting to go for ages... and yesterday after work I took myself to go and see

It was great - there were lots of young families, lots of very cute little children and babies all ready to see Kermit and friends. Everyone was sitting down on the grass on their blankets, enjoying the free popcorn and the sunset over the river.
There was such a lovely atmosphere, everybody clapped when the film came on, everyone clapped at the end of each song, everyone clapped when the baddy got their comeupence and booed when Kermit and Miss Piggy got captured... they cheered when Steve Martin was on screen, the wowed when Orson Wells was on screen and laughed out loud at all the jokes - it was great.
It's such a lovey idea, I'm going to try and get along to the last few that they're showing - I think they might be showing Sex & The City soon - Abi, if you hurry you might catch it!

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